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Sequoia Attendance


Please call the office by 8:30am when your child is absent from school. Leave the following information:

  • child's name
  • teacher
  • reason for the absence


Regular school attendance is vital to a student's success in school.  A student who is frequently absent will miss instruction, which cannot be made up even though written work may be completed.  For attendance accounting purposes, the only legally excused absences are illness, medical/dental appointments, and bereavement. All other absences, including parent requests are unexcused. The Westminster School District is part of the Orange County Truancy Project. Students having more than three unexcused absences or excessive excused absences may be subject to a School Attendance Review Board (SARB) hearing.

If your child must be absent, please notify the school by 8:30 am. Please be prepared to give us the name of your child, his/her teacher, the reason for the absence, and the anticipated length of the absence. If we do not receive parent notification, a call from the office to the parent, will be attempted.  It is the parent's responsibility to clear a child's absence within five days.  Absences not verified within five days become unexcused absences.


If you are requesting homework for your child during their absence, please notify the office in the morning.  Homework will be made available to you for pick-up after school at the front office desk. 

Leaving campus early

In order for us to teach bell-to-bell, we ask that you please, if at all possible, make medical/dental appointments outside of school hours.  If, however, your child does need to leave campus early, please send a note to your child's teacher.  Your child will be called from class, once you, or someone on your child's Emergency contact list, arrives.  If someone other than yourself, will be picking up your child, please confirm that you have added them to your Aeries Parent Portal. We can only release your child to adults designated in your Aeries Parent Portal.  ID is required


Tardiness not only interrupts the instructional program but cultivates detrimental behavior that is difficult to reverse once a child reaches middle school. A student who arrives after the 8:15 bell must go through the office to receive a Tardy slip before entering the classroom. 

Many parents share that their child’s tardy is due to the parents’ scheduling errors or traffic. Please be aware that “on time” behavior is definitely learned; help your child be on time so that he/she can develop good habits at a young age. If, however, your child is arriving due to a doctor/dentist appointment and presents verification of the appointment he/she will be marked with an "excused" tardy.  

Attendance FAQ

Q:  How do I submit a DOCTOR'S NOTE to the office?

A:   Please hand deliver or email to the Office Manager, Arielle Pulido at